IMG Mailbox Letters to the Editors Ultima 8 For the Mac? Dear IMG: I have heard a rumor, however, (utterly unconfirmed, and not to be spread) that Ultima 8:Pagan is coming out on Mac. Can you confirm this (read: fulfill my wildest dreams or smash my greatest hopes)?- Stuart Heath via Internet - Well, we can confirm it here. Origin has tentatively planned Ultima 8: Pagan. Check this month’s The Rumor Mill for more information. —TD Programming Tips Dear IMG: IMG aims at supporting Mac games, so why don’t you have a monthly article with programming techniques, tips and tricks. This can help guys who want to write shareware games but don’t know how. This way new games will appear in the shareware world an perhaps they can go commercial. - Xavier Garcia via internet - We think that’s a wonderful idea! Any shareware authors want to volunteer? —TD   Ordering Through Mail Order (Internationally) Dear IMG: I am at a distinct disadvantage, living in Australia, in that most titles are not released here until long after they are in the States. There is a law here that individual dealers cannot bring new titles into Australia if there is an Australian distributor for that company. Thus I ask you- do you know of any places in the States (my local dealer can’t help me) from which I could buy new titles with minimal P&H?- Stuart Heath via internet - We contacted several popular U.S. Mac mail order houses and most have an international sales department. All the mail order houses ship via Airborne to international cities but keep in mind the prices can be pretty steep for shipping. Typical charges are $18 for one pound, and $3 more for each additional pound. Also keep in mind that many of the mail order houses carry minimum dollar amount purchases. Call the following numbers for catalogs and orders: Mac Warehouse: 908-370-4779 , (fax) 908-905-9279 Mac Connection: 603-446-7711, (fax) 603-446-7791 Mac’s Place: 406-758-8000, (fax) 406-758-8080 Mac Zone: 206-883-3088, (fax) 206-881-3421 The 7th Guest on Power Macs Dear IMG: If you have a Power Macintosh, avoid the game “7th Guest” by Virgin. The program crashes when you attempt to save a game. In order to get to the crash or even to play the game, you must first listen to an eight minute introduction. There is no option to bypass the introduction until you have saved the game at least once. So, you must spend time, energy and money in order to find that the game will not run on your machine. I tried increasing the memory to 10 megs, so the problem is not related to memory requirements. I stopped experimenting after contacting their Tech Support who advised that the game does not run on a Power Mac; it only runs on the machines noted on the box. There is no return policy and no upgrade to a compatible version. - Stephen Camidge via AOL Zone of the Imitated Dear IMG: I’d like to take a minute to share with you and your readers my thoughts on two imtems which were commented on in Ross Scott Rubin’s review of Astro Chase 3D in the April issue of IMG. In the A Stage for S.A.G.E. section of his review Ross pointed out some of the attributes of the Software Accelerated Graphics Engine’s ability to emulate hardware sprites. I’d like your readers to know that S.A.G.E. was programmed by Imagine It, Inc., a company owned by Ofer Alon; and that S.A.G.E. is owned jointly. With regard to Ross’s other section of the review called “Zone of Imitation,” I’d like to point out that Astro Chase 3D is based on the first game First Star Software published, which was called Astro Chase. The original Astro Chase first shipped on December 7, 1982. If Zone of Avoidance is going to be compared with Astro Chase 3D, I would suggest that the chronology is on our side as the originator rather than the imitator. In any event, we feel Astro Chase 3D delivers a game experience never before available on the Mac. Cordially, Richard M. Spitalny President, First Star Software, Inc. Letters to IMG. If you have a question, problem, comment, suggestion, or idea, just drop us a line. All letters become property of Inside Mac Games. We reserve the right to edit any letters.